Thursday, August 17, 2006

On the train again…

Hours on train: 17

So it's another early morning and the trip is coming to it's end. I'm sorta sad as I have no idea if I'll ever see any of these people again. Except for Sasha, of course. The train ride was longer on the way home for me. I kept thinking that we were almost there, almost there, almost there… and I didn't sleep as much as I'd hoped. I did sleep for a couple of hours though. Here's some highlights:

I sat across from a Kazakh woman who is a Russian teacher. I had several lessons and she actually graded parts of our conversation. I got all perfect marks too.

I picked up the book I've been reading on and off for months, Hinds Feet on High Places. It is really incredible. I think it's a great book for any xian to read, especially if you're involved in M work. Phenomenal.

In summary: I am so glad that I went on this trip and it has been an TREMENDOUS language opportunity. I've really learned a lot, I understand a LOT better and I've been told that my skills are increasing. Let's keep the learning going!

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