Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The day in which I discover: the market, downpour and patience.

Safe to call this: POURING rain

So this morning I got up and immediately got ready to go and check internet and see if my invitation had arrived. As I was leaving the shopping mall (where the internet access is) I saw what looked like a cool store with strange and interesting stuff. So I went in. They had a sale on umbrellas. Yesterday someone advised me that you should always carry an umbrella here because the sea brings strange and sudden weather changes. So I bought this little $8 umbrella.

I am very happy now. In fact, I think ecstatic. I was about 15 minutes from the hotel reading in the Book in a park. I felt a little drop and thought, "oh, I'll get my umbrella ready…" and I reached my hand into my backpack and THE HEAVENS OPENED. I barely got it open in time.

So now I'm back at the hotel and mostly dry! The bummer is I was just getting ready to go shopping for food… so now I'm waiting out the storm and hungry. But it'll clear soon.

--- later ---

I attempt to discover the market. I've already seen it, so I know it's out there. I was there yesterday morning and again in the afternoon. Although I do think that the streets of Tallinn are a bit confusing, I also think it's safe to say that I shouldn't go anywhere without a map and a compass. I don't think I could find my own feet sometimes if they weren't attached. So I walked around for 2 hours today getting the lay of the land (that's what I tell myself in my head so I don't have to write that I just didn't know where I was). I can't say that I was lost, because at all times I knew how to back track to the hotel, but I was sorta on my own there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reading your stuff is a stitch. Definitely sounds like you're enjoying Siberia. I tried to call your posted cell phone number but was told it wasn't a valid number. I did notice that it has one extra digit. Could you please check this:
011 7 8950 48 75 78 6

Ron Priebe