Friday, March 17, 2006

keeping your head above water...

Life has such an incredible way of moving faster than we do. I'm starting my fifth day in a row in Ann Arbor. It's so strange that this is the longest I've been in one place in the past 2.5 months. I've literally been around the world and back since December 21! I've really enjoyed all the travel, meeting people, deep connections, and building relationships, but honestly - my spirit is just tired. (It's also 6ish in the morning... so of course, I'm tired!)

I'm really looking forward to this weekend. There's nothing huge planned. I'm going to wear sweatpants, be comfortable, and clean the bathroom sink! I know it sounds like such a simple mundane task, but I just know that getting some of the daily things taken care of this weekend is going to help me feel purified.

There are so many things that I'm thankful for right now though. I'm still riding the spiritual high from being at mission training for 5 weeks, I'm really enjoying new relationships that have started in 2006, I've started losing a few extra pounds (a wedding in Jamaica is a good instigator for wanting to look healthier), and I've been reading some great books too.

Monday, March 13, 2006

The busyness subsides

Wow! what a whirlwind. sorry i've not posted for a while. i've not been home (ann arbor) for more than 4 days in a row since december 21. my cats are starting to get awfully needy! but now i'm home for 3 weeks in a row!

i just returned from a weekend in Indianapolis for a wedding, followed by an overnight return trip to michigan, 2 hours of sleep and then sharing a sermon with community epc church in Owosso, MI. What a phenominal church they are! an incredibly friendly place and i very much enjoyed sharing with them about Russia.

last night i got home, took a two hour nap, was saved from sleeping until 2 am by my brother who called on the phone and then i wore sweatpants for the rest of the night. yes! can't wait to put them on again today. i might even sit in front of the television for an hour tonight. the joy surges within as i think of doing a little bit of nothing...

and then - the cleaning must begin. my house is in need and my car literally looks like i've been living out of it for several weeks... which i have.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Back for a spell stateside

(attention reader - this is a boring post with only factual information - sorry if you fall asleep reading!) Just a quick post to say to y'all that I'm back in the U.S.A. and I'll be here to stay at least until the end of April. I'm pretty sure that I'll be around a bit longer than that. I'm still working on raising support. You can keep checking the support meter at the right. You may have noticed that it was at 93% and now it's back in the mid 80's - well, I had a fairly significant change in support from a major ministry partner. I'll keep y'all posted. Initially it was an emotional shock and my mood really dropped. I was sad, depressed, and I didn't understand. But, I've had a chance to get my head straightened out (amazing what prayer can do) and I'm okay with the delay that it'll cause. Just think, I'll be around in the States a little longer!