Friday, August 31, 2007

eating ants

I had a bowl of granola for breakfast at work this morning... I didn't know there were ants in the granola. I had already poured the milk... Amy and I are on strict budget, I was really hungry, and it hardly phased me...

I picked them out

and kept eating.

Life Speed or Light Speed.

Life always flows at the speed of life, but for Amy and I, the speed of lift is more like the speed of light.

It seems like we spend a good deal of time rushing around and trying to get things done all the time. Amy's just started working at Starbucks and it's really great so far. We were nearly late this morning though... and neither of us like being late.

Just imagine: Amy, me, a small blue Saturn (the car) and yellow lights turning pink and then red at every turn. I think I literally heard my life soundtrack turn to Indiana Jones as we adventurously weaved our way to Starbucks. We made it with 3 minutes to spare.


Monday, August 27, 2007

Starbucks & Russian

Amy worked her first training shift at Starbucks today. Really sounds like it was about reading and learning about the company, which I think in and of itself is cool.

Well, turns out that her mentor barrista has studied 3 or 4 semesters of Russian AND there's a Russian national named Olga working there too! Can you believe how awesome the Lord is? Just coincidence? I don't think so.

Amy got her Russian course books today and I'm trying to contain my excitement that she's just one week away from her first Russian class!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The puzzle is coming together.

We've been married for 1 month and 1 day and everything is really starting to fall into place. Amy found out today that she's got a job! She's been interviewing for the past 3 weeks and just secured a position with Starbucks right on campus! We'll be able to drive in to work together a few days a week and she'll already be on campus for her classes.

That's right! She's been accepted at UM as a non-degree student to study Russian. She's decided to take Intensive Russian (two semesters in one) and that means she'll be on campus 4 days a week! It's really exciting, because we'll be able to have lunch together more often!

There is one loose string that we would love your thoughts, prayers and encouragements on... residency. Amy has been accepted as an out-of-state student at this point and we've got all the paperwork together to submit for her to apply for Michigan residency. Please pray that they'll grant residency and quickly. Tuition will be DRASTICALLY cheaper if she gets in state tuition (to the tune of THOUSANDS of dollars).

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Moving Day

I'm not really sure how to describe what's going on today because I'm not sure that the full impact has really hit me. My long time friends Ashley & Heather Holleman are moving today. From Ann Arbor to Pennsylvania! I know that I'm sad, hopeful, content in God's will, and sad.

Creativity Day

Last month at work we started something called Creativity Day. It was inspired by Google. At Google, 20% of every employee's time is supposed to be spent on personal projects. Just trying something new, learning something, testing an idea, catching up on the latest technology, etc. Well, we can't dedicate that kind of time (1 day a week), because we're more than a little behind, BUT 1 day a month isn't out of the question. So... Creativity Day.

I'm using this month's creativity day to learn more about SLR Cameras... you know the ones, with all the bells and whistles... and you have ultimate and total control of everything that it does. Yeah, it's challenging, but interesting and exciting. I'll post some pictures when I get some.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Honeymoon Photos

Take a look at the honeymoon photos if you'd like. I didn't take nearly the photos that I usually do, but it's fun to share all the same. St. Lucia is BEAUTIFUL.


I'd forgotten how key it is to memorize the Bible. Frankly, it really helps in daily life. So, I've started again. I'm really fond of the Navigators' Topical Memory System. So, I'm typing up my own version to keep me thinking of the truth and to remind me of what's real.

What do you think is real? How we're feeling about something or what we really know about it? Sometimes I get wrapped up in my feelings or being tired, and I have a skewed view of reality. It's nice to go back to a standard that you know is solid and rely on what you know is true instead of what you fear might be.

Who's a delingquint?

That would be me. I've got a LOT of updates to share and I'm sorry for being offline for so long. It's been more than a month and frankly, not only do I miss blogging, but I feel like I'm letting my friends, family and supporters down without sharing the funny, crazy things going on in my life.

So, get ready for some more posts... I'll be writing about some major life events (getting married, going on our honeymoon, gaining weight) and I'll be updating you on some other interesting things (starting work at UM, the pressures of living in America, what's an interesting read, good music, and other things inspiring me)