Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The puzzle is coming together.

We've been married for 1 month and 1 day and everything is really starting to fall into place. Amy found out today that she's got a job! She's been interviewing for the past 3 weeks and just secured a position with Starbucks right on campus! We'll be able to drive in to work together a few days a week and she'll already be on campus for her classes.

That's right! She's been accepted at UM as a non-degree student to study Russian. She's decided to take Intensive Russian (two semesters in one) and that means she'll be on campus 4 days a week! It's really exciting, because we'll be able to have lunch together more often!

There is one loose string that we would love your thoughts, prayers and encouragements on... residency. Amy has been accepted as an out-of-state student at this point and we've got all the paperwork together to submit for her to apply for Michigan residency. Please pray that they'll grant residency and quickly. Tuition will be DRASTICALLY cheaper if she gets in state tuition (to the tune of THOUSANDS of dollars).


Ronald Davis said...

We will be praying for the residency. God bless you on your 1 month 1 day anniversary.

Ron Davis

Anonymous said...

We will be praying for the residency. God bless you on your 1 month 1 day anniversary.

Ron Davis