Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Back for a spell stateside

(attention reader - this is a boring post with only factual information - sorry if you fall asleep reading!) Just a quick post to say to y'all that I'm back in the U.S.A. and I'll be here to stay at least until the end of April. I'm pretty sure that I'll be around a bit longer than that. I'm still working on raising support. You can keep checking the support meter at the right. You may have noticed that it was at 93% and now it's back in the mid 80's - well, I had a fairly significant change in support from a major ministry partner. I'll keep y'all posted. Initially it was an emotional shock and my mood really dropped. I was sad, depressed, and I didn't understand. But, I've had a chance to get my head straightened out (amazing what prayer can do) and I'm okay with the delay that it'll cause. Just think, I'll be around in the States a little longer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! So you'll be stateside for a little while longer, huh? God has a purpose for everything . . .