Monday, March 13, 2006

The busyness subsides

Wow! what a whirlwind. sorry i've not posted for a while. i've not been home (ann arbor) for more than 4 days in a row since december 21. my cats are starting to get awfully needy! but now i'm home for 3 weeks in a row!

i just returned from a weekend in Indianapolis for a wedding, followed by an overnight return trip to michigan, 2 hours of sleep and then sharing a sermon with community epc church in Owosso, MI. What a phenominal church they are! an incredibly friendly place and i very much enjoyed sharing with them about Russia.

last night i got home, took a two hour nap, was saved from sleeping until 2 am by my brother who called on the phone and then i wore sweatpants for the rest of the night. yes! can't wait to put them on again today. i might even sit in front of the television for an hour tonight. the joy surges within as i think of doing a little bit of nothing...

and then - the cleaning must begin. my house is in need and my car literally looks like i've been living out of it for several weeks... which i have.

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