Tuesday, September 12, 2006

American laughter

A couple of days ago I realized that there's been something missing from my life for a while. Laughter - good old fashioned, belly rocking yucks. I don't laugh a whole lot when I'm alone by myself. So I knew I had to fix that.

So I went to a web site that's all the rage with college students and looked up funny/humor/cartoon. And I spent about an hour snorting and guffawing to the hysterics of Pat and Stanley (highly recommended) and stupid pet videos. It was so great. I probably lost a kilo (not really) just laughing. It was great. And I wanted to share it with you all.

I'll add a link to Pat and Stanley - it's a French animator - but the Lion Sleeps tonight sung by an animated hippo and dog is worth the watch (if you have a fast connection).

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