Wednesday, November 01, 2006

INTERNET or the One Where Jeff finds out he's not culturally clever

$120! That's my accidental internet bill for the past three months! Whoa! Turns out that I'm not as clever as I thought I was. You see, I pay for my internet by usage not by monthly fee. So I make sure to get on and get off when I'm using my connection to email or whatnot… But before I had my own internet connection, I was using Jim and Sally's connection. It's dialup, but at least it's a monthly fee - so usage doesn't matter. So when I bought the new Chris Tomlin CD online, I downloaded it through that connection overnight. Well, turns out that they're account is a time account… so I was ever stoopider than I thought possible. I just assumed that dialup was a monthly fee. So - I owe them for the extra changes. Awful, huh? Another lesson learned. :(

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