Sunday, November 12, 2006

Ziplocs or the one where Jeff realizes that he's saving disposable plastic

I just washed and stored about 20 ziploc bags. This tells me something of my dependence on the conveniences of food storage. Strange, huh? We don't have Ziploc baggies here in Russia. We do have plastic bags, but they're just not to same for storing stuff. I do have 4 tupperware containers, but they don't seem to be enough and I haven't been able to find the small ones. Back in the US I've got like 35 of them… makes me realize how much surplus we always have. I guess honestly, I do miss the surplus a little bit though. But it's really great to learn to live with a little less.

I'm really missing Amy though. I'm going to ever endeavor to not take surplus time with her for granted. Only 4 weeks until I head to Africa! And Amy told me via SMS (text message) that we're going on Safari when I'm there!

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