Sunday, February 18, 2007

What's that smell?

Oh, yeah, that's me! I haven't had a shower in 3 days. Nor have I had (sorry for the level of detail) a sit down bathroom experience either. I really like going to visit the villages, because it reminds me to not take for granted what I have, and to remember that we're all the same. In so many ways, the simple life is incredible. I'm starting to fear reverse culture shock already and desiring to prepare myself for the return to the states at the end of May. I think I'm going to start researching on the internet.

Oh, and here's the REALLY interesting thing about what's that smell. I smell like a Russian now. I don't really know how to describe the difference, it's not a particularly 'bad' thing, just different than American sweat. I think it's because the bulk of the food that I eat now is Russian, so my body has changed. It's probably the HUGE quantity of garlic and onions that I consume here… along with the beets and cabbage. I'm telling you - if I get the chance to cook you dinner, you're in for a treat - because it's better than you imagine!

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