Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Bad Day(s)

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. - Helen Keller

It's been a couple of those days. Certainly G0d must be teaching me something… I'm just going to have to be patient to figure out what it is that He's teaching me. Let me recount for you a few of the things that have happened in the past couple of days:

  • I broke my laptop computer keyboard (really broke the 'x' key)
  • I couldn't get my printer to work (it was turned off).
  • I made cookies and as I was preparing the dough, I realized that the brown sugar had been open and had hardened. (I went to the store in -25 degree weather and bought more)
  • Then I didn't have eggs for the cookies. (I went to the store and broken the eggs I bought, and bought new eggs. The first store I went to, you'll remember, was closed).
  • The internet stopped working when I really needed it to prepare for teaching literature.
  • So I took a shower… cold… hot… cold… hot
  • I couldn't find the keys to Jim's garage or to the car (they were in my coat pocket).
  • I walked in the apartment, just after pr@ying that God would help me find the keys for the garage and the car and I found them! And then I couldn't find my apartment keys. I ALWAYS hang them on this little hook when I get home… they were INSIDE my hat!

Ugh! They are all these little tiny things that don't really matter by themselves… I feel like I'm making a mountain out of a molehill… (I think Russians say, make an elephant out of an ant). Anyway - please send some pr@yers up that I'll stay alive as I drive Jim's car for the first time alone today in Russia. It's snowing quite a bit and it's fairly cold - so let's hope it even starts… that I don't have to shovel for an hour just to get to the car!

Here's to adventure!

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