Wednesday, January 31, 2007

not for the weak of stomach

if you have any weirdness about eyes... stop reading.

So my friends told me tonight to wear my glasses tomorrow. Good call. I removed my contacts this evening and just now (I know I know - 3:17am I should be sleeping already, but I've been busy with financial reports and catching up with Amy!) noticed that my eye was really red.

So I looked closer in the mirror. There's like this pussing goo and it hurts. (napolean dynamite) hurts real bad. So I washed it out with saline solution and I think I'll take it easy on the contacts for a few days... or a week or whatever.

So if you're the pr@ying type - please do so, 'cause I take eyes very seriously. I've only got two of them for my whole life. So I'm going to go close them right now, but wanted to make sure you were informed!

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