Friday, January 12, 2007

Master of the House

I got up this morning at 5:45 am to start off the day and greet the B!ble professor and his wife who will be teaching a course on leadership. Don and Deidre arrived promptly at my doorstep at 6:04am and were ready to hit the hay and get some sleep. So I started baking.

I'm a bit worried about being a good host and providing adequate food, while studying Russian AND being a student in the B!ble college. So, I got a jump start today and baked banana bread, oatmeal cookies and chocolate chip cookies. I'm freezing the bread and one batch of cookies. I figure, it'll be great later on in the week to pull out cookies!

Tonight: Mexican. I'm making homemade flour tortillas - SO good! I don't have access to lard though, so butter will have to do!

It's getting colder in Siberia - snow flurries yesterday.

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