Thursday, January 04, 2007

Time Boxing or the One Where Jeff continues to be a super geek about time management

So I know that I'm already an organized person. You might not feel that way seeing my desk, but my planner and the planning that I do, keep my life flowing steadily forward. So I was reading one of my favorite online sources to further my geekiness and I came across a new way to think about planning your day. I like it and thought I'd share it. Welcome to time boxing.

Time boxing is about fixing the time we have available to work on a given task and then doing the best we can within that time frame. So instead working on something until it is “done” in one sitting, we only work on it for say 30 mins. It is either marked as done at the end of this period or we commit to another 30 mins at a later time or another day.

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