Saturday, January 27, 2007

Holy Smokes is Right!

Check out Amy's blog from 1/1/2007. I've been waiting to fill everyone in on this as I wanted to give Amy adequate time to talk with all of her family and friends about it, but Amy's house burned down in Kenya!

There are many silver linings in this awful cloud. #1 No one was hurt. Amy was not at home, but was actually in Nairobi dropping me at the airport the day before. #2 This was not the house that was being built for Amy, but the one that she had been living in. #3 Amy had a whole week's worth of belongings including her computer with her. #4 People have rallied to her side and sent care packages and financial donations to get her back on her feet. Thank you all for your help and care for her.

We're both doing well now, but it was REALLY hard for me the first 1.5 - 2 weeks afterward, because I literally wasn't even home in Tyumen yet from my trip to Africa when it happened. I felt so powerless to help and could do nothing, but pr@y and talk to her via the phone! Ugh. I can't wait until we're married and we're not separated on different continents.

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