Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Stuck without Heat (again)

Well, two interesting points of interest on this 2nd of January day. One, I woke up without heat again. It's quite cold outside - below zero again and I'm closed up all the curtains to hold in some extra heat. Friends to the rescue once again, Sasha and Zhanna's space heater is my best pal.

And I just got this interesting article emailed to me from Google about tourists stuck in the Maasai Mara. Looks like we were there at the right time, because there are 300 people stuck in the muck.

Today should be interesting. I've landed Vladimir's role as one of the wise men in our ch^rch's producation of the nativity, because we've been asked to do it a second time for another ch^rch. Vladimir leaves on Thursday and the performance is on Sunday, so I'm going to be filling in. Let's see how quickly I can pick up on my queues! PTL that I don't have to learn any lines! They're all recorded. Oh, the reason today is interesting is that we're building a stage... and if I'm understanding correctly, it's pvc pipe or something like that...

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