Thursday, December 07, 2006

Hot Water! or Taking Nothing for Granted

After just under 2 weeks (13 days) we finally have hot water at home again! We're all talking about how excited we are for HOT SHOWERS. My one roommate even is planning to take a BATH! That's how much we're excited about having HOT water. It's the hugest answer to pr@yer. So for all of you who said a word for us, THANK YOU!

I think I'm just going to run hot water because I can.

BTW - even though we've been without HOT water for quite some time, it's been the best possible time to be without water because it's been WARM outside. It's barely below zero (so for Siberia in winter that HOT). In fact, I've been sweating in my down coat, so I'm almost switching to my fall coat.

The Africa countdown continues: 4 days until I leave!!!

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