Friday, December 08, 2006

Deadline by Randy Alcorn

This is the book I'm currently reading. Sally gave it to me. The basic gist is that the main character's two best friends just died… here's a few quotes that have been good for my thinking…
  • Picture two twins in their mother's womb, debating about what's outside. The one says, "There's a whole world out there - grassy meadows, and mountains and streams, horses and dogs and cats and giraffes, and huge blue-green oceans with whales and dolphins and fish of every color. And there's people like us, only much bigger, and they can walk, run, and jump, and play games like football and baseball. There's skyscrapers and stadiums and freeways. And soon we're going to leave here and join them in that world." His twin brother scrunches up his face, looks at him and says, "Are you crazy? Get real. There's no life after birth!"
  • I want to make four brief statements about death.
    • First, life's greatest certainty is death. The statistics never change. Of those who are born, 100 percent die.
    • Second, death will come whether or not you're prepared for it. Talking about death won't hasten it. Denying death won't delay it. Each mans' life is but a breath. The only question is whether or not you and I are ready when death comes.
    • Third, death is not an end. It's a transition. Death dissolves the bond between spirit and body. The dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it. Death is simply a doorway to another world. If I were to suddenly walk out this door, you'd no longer be able to see me, but would you conclude I no longer existed? Of course not. I would simply have moved out of your sight. Our friend who passed away walked out the door, moved out of our sight. That's all.
    • My final point is this - death will bring us face to face with our Creator.
  • He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. - Jim Elliot

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