Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Tooth Miracle

So here's a strange little tale of miracles. I sort of developed an excruciating tooth ache. One of my back molars has been aching for about 3 or 4 weeks. I just don't eat food on that side of my mouth and avoid hot and cold liquids… I know that this is absolutely irresponsible behavior and that I should just see a dentist… but the issue here is that it seems like most people with tooth problems just get the tooth pulled…. And I want to keep all my teeth. It's probably a cavity from all the sweet tea and chocolates that I love here in Russia

Well, the agony of the matter is that I was having problems sleeping for about a week - so I was taking pain killers so that I could sleep. Seriously ridiculous.

So I just resolved to pr@y about it. I know that in some ways it's silly to ask for this type of miracle or healing, but at the same time - I really do believe that He can heal something like this… and He did.

No pain at all. It started feeling better and then the pain left altogether. I'm going to go to the dentist when I get home all the same, but the pain so agonizing and now it's gone!

Praise the L0rd. Seriously.

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