Saturday, April 14, 2007

Died and Gone to Heaven

I know that this will officially mark me as a freak, but I do ever strive to be honest here in my blog. The highlight of the entire trip to Yekaterinburg (besides Nikita, of course) was Dom Knigi (House of Books). It was a HUGE Russian bookstore. Now, yes, I have to admit that I'm a bit of a geek and bookstore lover anywhere. I can get lost in Border's for hours and walk out later in a euphoric state that anyone would swear was drug induced… even the smell of books makes me giddy.

(Okay - I think I've established my freakish nature enough)

So I found an entire shelf in the bookstore with Russian grammar books for foreigners. 2 of them were even for native speakers of English. This is like a gold mine for me! I splurged. I spent $25 dollars and bought 6 books! I have enough grammar exercises to keep my Russian going while I'm back in the States! I learned something new in the first 3 pages of one of the beginner books!

So, I feel like these books are a new sword, chain mail, shield, helmet and horse that I'll need to charge into battle against the Enemy>


Anonymous said...

Well, if that makes you a freak - you're not the only one.

:) jen

Anonymous said...

Slavic grammar as an enemy, now there's a metaphor i can get behind!!