Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Playing Hooky with Permission

I just got a call from my special guest for my lectures tonight at the University. We're talking about Mass Media and Marketing as our topic and turns out, there won't be any students today. The WHOLE building (in fact two of our buildings) are closed down because of a water problem. The irony of the whole thing is that I REALLY needed some extra time today to prepare for Sunday. I'm speaking (translation: delivering the message!) and it's not only daunting because it's Easter, but also because it's going to be in Russian. I keep starting over. Which is to say that I've had a lot of starts, pulled together great information, but in the long run - I'm not very far into the message and I've only got 5 more days.

I think perhaps this is what lots of p@st0rs feel like, especially when they're first starting. But I don't have all of their training! I guess in the long-run that's okay, because it just means I'll have to trust all the more on Him so that I'll do a good job. I think it's so ironic that most people would b e nervous about speaking in front of a group. Somehow, that fear isn't part of my set of fears... although with the Russian speaking I'm a bit more nervous... especially if I have to pr@y. There's a whole different set of vocabulary and people usually speed up!

This past Sunday I was helping out with Communi0n again and I was supposed to speak over the juice... but Sergei asked me to do it for the bread! I was all prepared for the other! I think it's amazing how much flexibility and humility is required in my current line of service, but the lessons have been invaluable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just had to tell you that I will be praying for you as you give the sermon IN RUSSIAN this Easter Sunday. I know you will be a blessing to all those who are attending.

Blessings to you as you serve Him,