Sunday, April 29, 2007

Life inside the Bubble

How funny. Today I was talking with a friend and we realized that when I return to America, I might need to change the name of my blog. Right now it's "Life Outside the Bubble", perhaps I need to make it "Life Inside the Bubble."

As I'm thinking about it right now, I don't want to change the name… I think I'll just continue living life on the edge and pushing the envelope. Just because I'm coming back to the states doesn't mean that my life will become a stagnant thing. In fact, I'm going to continue to strive to live the adventure that G0d has put before me. It's resolved.

1 comment:

pastor mary said...

Dear Jeff,
I would pray that more of us might live "Life Outside the Bubble", of
American society. May we be found obedient to the Call God has placed on our lives.

Loving Jesus
pastor mary