Monday, April 02, 2007

Sometimes things just don't work...

Today I opened the CEC and it's a conflagration of things just not working. One of the toilets in the center isn't working today. We've been having on and off electrical problems associated with the fire alarm system being put in. We can't receive any incoming telephone calls. Amazing, huh? Well, we certainly added some pr@yer requests to our lists before heading out for the night. It's really amazing how quickly and easily we all adapt to these kinds of issues. In America I think we'd all be running around trying to get it fixed and really putting immediate effort into it. Here? We called the electrician, he can't come until tomorrow, so we wait.

Discussion club was interesting tonight. We talked about music again - and when we have focused topics like this I feel like I talk too much. But then one of them will say something like, they need to hear native speakers talking too. I also taught a lesson tonight about English homonyms and modal verbs. They are really so confusing for non-native speakers and honest, it's really difficult to teach too. I want to say... don't you just feel it? But I know how frustrating that is to hear!

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