Friday, October 20, 2006

Heather's Book Or The One Where Jeff Is Flabbergasted At Circumstance

I have some exciting news in the life of my American friends to share with you. My dear and long-time friend Heather Holleman wrote a manuscript for a book about a year ago. She sent it off to an agent this spring and has been waiting very patiently for news. Well, due to a really cool twist of some circumstantial events (and maybe some serious G-d intervention), her book is being read by the head editors at Zondervan!

Here's the story. Heather and Ashley were at a book signing for Phillip Yancy's new book. As Heather approached the head of the line, she told Phillip Yancy that she's working on getting a book published and asked for some advice. Then blink blink blink, he points out the vice-president for marketing at Zondervan who's standing in the room and suddenly Heather is introducing herself. Next thing you know, they're reading her book to check it out! Isn't that cool?

Here's the selfish request. If all goes well with the book and there's a cash advance, Heather's going to send Ashley to Russia to visit! Isn't that great!? So please pr@y that her book gets published. So I know that's selfish - but pr@y that the book gets published anyway as she's awesome and the solid message of her writing should be heard.

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