Thursday, October 12, 2006

Gasps and a Sharp Intake of Breath or the One Where Jeff Tells His Classes that He Speaks Some Russian

I told my first two groups of students that I understand and speak some Russian today. The first group was really the best - so I'll tell you about that.

We played a 'market' game today talking about supply and demand (I know - since when did I start teaching about things like that?!) Anyway - the key to winning the prize was to do you best AND to speak only English. So anyone who spoke Russian wasn't able to win the candy bar and I got to keep it.

So they were complaining about how hard it was to speak only English and no Russian. "We speak Russian all day long and then we come in here and have to speak only English!" So I answered them in Russian, "Конечно, я понимаю. Я говорю весь, день каждый день по-русски" There was an intake of breath, some laughter and even applause. It was fun to tell them! Then I told them that only I could use Russian in class and only if it was helpful, because they weren't understanding. Sometimes - I just know that it's necessary to help them learn.

The Second class tonight was fun too. I was teaching a tongue twister for pronunciation practice. Russian doesn't have the sound th (either voiced or voiceless) So we have been learning.

Room 333 on the 3rd floor rents for $33.33 every third Thursday.
I can think of six thin things, but I can think of six thick things too.

So one of them said - I bet you can't say, "Шла Саша по шоссе и сосала сушку!" So I said it. That was fun too. They clapped. It's a tongue twister that I learned in my Russian classes. I'm learning 3 or them right now to practice the softer sounds of Russian. English is too abrupt and 'hard' It's strange to relearn the sounds t, d, and n. See another blog for that update.

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