Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Chocolate chunk cookies or the One Where Jeff Bakes in Russia for the first time.

Today I baked cookies. I couldn’t bake at home, because I don't try my gas oven, I don't have a mixer, and I don't have a cookie sheet. So I went over to Jim and Sally's with a couple of bags full of ingredients and set to work. It was actually quite fun and INCREDIBLY therapeutic, not to mention that the results were quite tasty. It's really interesting how much like home chocolate chip cookies can make a room seem.

I had to buy chocolate bars and crush them up, but the chocolate is actually better here. The vanilla is powdered, so we just guessed and used the whole packet - so that worked great too. I used real butter (Russians don't have margarine or shortening that I know of) and they were SO DELICIOUS! Or I should say are. There are still some remaining.

The intention of making cookies is so that I can share them with my students. We're having a competition this week in class to see who can tongue twist the letter 'w' the best. The winner gets cookies.

"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck would chuck wood?"

"Why do you cry, Willy? Why do you cry? Why Willy, Why Willy, Why Willy Why?"

I think they're learning to hate me. Seriously, tongue twisters are an excellent way to learn and practice language. I've already learned three in Russian (although one of them I keep messing up).

I've been surprised how much I enjoy teaching English here and the ministry opportunities that are provided are really awesome. One of my students has already started coming to the center to our D-Club (English discussion club) and others have asked if we can start another D-Club on Thursday nights. I'm also looking into starting an English movie night on Fridays, but I think it'll have to wait for the turn of the new year.

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