Wednesday, May 02, 2007

True Love

I had a really great talk today with Igor today. I was sharing about how excited I am to see Amy in a couple of weeks and he said something like, love like that doesn't exist for most people. So we ended up having a conversation about what is love and what it means to wait for the right person.

Our world is so geared toward getting what we want right now and not waiting for anything. It's kind of frustrating. In fact, I actual get some pleasure out of waiting for the things that I want. When I get a package from the US (thanks Heather and Rick!!!) I try to wait a little while to open it so that I can enjoy the anticipation.

Anyway - back to love. I had another really good conversations about it this week including this one with Igor. My Russian teaching was reading my latest grammar exercises and she says to me, "you even manage to write about how much you love Amy in your grammar drills! Real love like this is rare. Hold onto it."

So I asked Igor to describe to me what he thinks love is? How does it manifest? What does it mean? Where is a good example of it? Is it a feeling or an action? We talked about how Jes^s is the ultimate example of love in the sense of sacrifice and dedication (and many other things), but as a 20 year old, he wanted to focus on the romantic aspects of love. Is it REALLY worth waiting for? What if you get something that's good and you have that for 10 years and it might not of been as amazing as perfect true love, but for that perfect love you had to wait an extra 10 years? At least in my case, the extra years were worth the wait.

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