Sunday, May 13, 2007

Hanging with the fam

So, I had forgotten how nice and brain numbing television is. Let's just say that I got to spend a rainy day with the Kurmangashinov family watching television. We drank tea, made Mexican food, and just relaxed the day away. There was even a cat to curl up in my lap and purrr me to relaxation.

The interesting this is that I'm understanding most of what's going on when I watched tv. They have this show (for THREE hours) called Minute of Fame. It's an opportunity to show whatever talent you have. And today was the semi finals. So that was fun, everything from dancing, singing, instruments, to extreme biking, or the bizarre. So relaxing.

On Sunday we had a ch^rch service at home, which was actually really cool. There were six of us and we all had an opportunity to share what G0d's doing in our lives and what we're learning. It's so cool to get the multiage perspective. We had (39, 39, 35, 20, 16, and 10). So I really enjoyed this time of sharing, learning, and just plain worship. It was fun to sing together too. I even knew the words to half of the songs!

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