Sunday, January 15, 2006

a new church experience

Tonight the gang went to a Sunday evening worship service at New Life Church in Colorado Springs. The worship at this church is really incredible. I'm not used to the charasmatic experience -- and I don't think this church is completely on the charasmatic side, certainly arms are raised, emotions are full, and people jump around quite a bit. I've been to their Friday evening singles - young adult service and it's incredible (see the Mill).

They had a guest speaker while we were there named David Hogan. He's a faith healer. I've not experienced any kind of faith healing before in my life, nor had I heard anyone speak in tongues before. I don't typically think of myself as a sceptic or as a person with a closed mind to things. I think it was mostly his presentation and the words that he chose that put me off. With a linguistics degree, words are pretty important for me and he kept referring to himself and all that he had done instead of giving credit to God. It bugged me.

I am glad that I was able to have the experience and to open my thoughts to some new ideas. I'm not sure what I think still. I know that all of these things are valid and real gifts of the Spirit. I just balk when they are publicly displayed. Especially not the gift of tongues. In my understanding - it's required that there is someone there to interpret for the church. Otherwise - it's just edifying to the person speaking.

Perhaps a bit more study on this is required.

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