Sunday, January 15, 2006

Garden of the Gods

Wow. Colorado has some of the most beautiful vistas and scenery. Today Helen, Pam, Amy, Elijah and I went to the Garden of the Gods just outside of Colorado Springs. It was really awesome to be outside in the sunshine, to hike around, and to appreciate the beauty of nature. Sometimes lately I've been thinking about how God didn't need to make things beautiful to look at, food doesn't have to taste good (although certainly I've got my picky moments: tomatoes, mushrooms, etc).

It's funny how we forget the things we love sometimes when the opportunities to experience them aren't nearby (I'm not talking people - but everyday things like walking outside, skiing, the feeling of soft fabric). I'd forgotten how much enjoyment I get from being outside for hours and climbing and hiking.

Enjoy some pictures. (I'll post them soon)

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