Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Improvisational Workouts

Amy and I are training for the mini marathon (13.1 miles) in Indianapolis on May 3. We started the training on Sunday this week and every day is laid out for us to have something to do in order to be prepared for the mini. Even the rest days are chosen for you.

So - we were supposed to have a cross training day and lift weights or something, and I wasn't feeling very well and I didn't want to go to the gym. So we created a make-shift at home weight system...

Have you ever lifted weights by just increasing the repetitions with a lighter weight? I'm telling you that you can be sore by lifting cans of peas and corn.

That's right - we used canned vegetables. I think it was incredible insight when Amy thought to use canned goods.

1 comment:

Pam Markley said...

FYI, small water bottles filled with rocks or sand work quite well too!