Thursday, October 04, 2007

Catalyst - Three Signs of a Miserable Job

Patrick Lencioni - | transcript |

Patrick is a secular author and leadership consultant who came to speak at Catalyst. Gotta say that he was one of the highlights for me. He shared about his newest book, "The Three Signs of a Miserable Job." I'm planning to check into some of his other books as well.

Patrick has managed to capture some concepts that really should be common sense to us all, but unfortunately are not. The cool thing, is that he's written it down in such a way that it makes sense and has applicability.

The model consists of three sides to a triangle - anonymity, irrelevance, and immeasurement. We can't enjoy our work if we don't feel known, if we don’t know what difference or impact we make, and if we can't gauge our own success.

It's a few simple concepts, but I think it really makes sense for creating a better job work atmosphere

There is of course, no job that is ALL fun. We need to BE happy where we are. We need to invest in the people that we work with, and we are NEVER too busy to invest in the people we work with.

"Don't wait until you retire to recognize the impact you have in your work right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeff, I was at the Cornerstone Men's breakfast this morning and found you summary comments digging deep into my heart. You're so right, the bubble is comfy place to be to, but are we truley living out God's calling for us to share the good news with others if we keep quite and go throug life like christian zombies when we're outsie the church, the mens's group, the youth group, obviously not. Your words touched me and I wanted to let you know that because God spoke through you this morning, I'm opening my eyes to opportunity to share...outside the bubble. I'm a big fan of Patrick's also. His book Five disfunctions of a Team is also well written. I apprecaite his ability to turn stories into learning. Kind of reminds me of the "Who Moved my Cheese" book that was popular a few years ago. I'll keep you and you new bride in my prayers as you prepare for your travels this summer. You're an excellent speaker and blessed with the skill of story telling, I'll bet you use it well while in Russia.