Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Catalyst - Session 2

Session 2

Nancy Ortberg
Authentic Influence

How do catalytic leaders think differently? This was the topic of Nancy Ortberg's talk today. I was first really excited, because She's the wife of John Ortberg, who's written some amazing books. My notes seem to include 5 points from her talk, I'd like to share them with you now.

One. The most difficult person to lead is yourself

Two. Vision is nurtured in 2 primary ways: by the stories we tell and by the heroes we create.

Three. Defining moments are only as significant as the lifestyles they create.

Four. Teamwork is a strategy not a slogan.

Five. Stop being surprised that leadership is hard.

Probably one of the most interesting things that Nancy shared was that she doesn't really journal frequently. Most folks in Christian circles talk about a "quiet time" being comprised of reading Bible, journaling, praying, maybe listening to music or items like this. Nancy doesn't really journal. It's not her 'thing'. It works for some. Maybe it doesn't work for you.

Sometimes I journal, sometimes not. Amy journals every day, prodigiously. She's really good at it and it works for her. I was so excited, because I felt as though I had permission to do something different. So I'm trying to journal a bit more often, but instead of just writing, I'm mind mapping.

It was very interesting listening to her talk and share about how seeing Les Miz was for her a religious experience. It really was so freeing to hear her share her perspective.

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