Friday, February 08, 2008

Names of God

I've been doing a study of the names of God - it was inspired by a conversation that I had with Tom (Robinson). He was talking about how the relationships we have in our lives change - even the names that we use to refer to people change. He used the example of Ruth Ann, his wife. When they first met, they were just work colleagues. Then they became friends. They started dating and they were boyfriend and girlfriend. Then engaged and fiances. Married, they are husband and wife. Along the way, casual friends become best friends, confidants, inseparable, united.

I started thinking and I realized that God is so complex that there isn't just a single word for Him in Hebrew or Aramaic or Greek...

I wanted to know more about how He's referred to in the original languages of the Bible.

So far, I've learned the following names of God:
  • Elohim - God, Mighty Creator
  • El Roi - the God who sees me
  • El Shadday - God Almighty
  • El Olam - Eternal God
  • Yahweh Yireh - the Lord will Provide
  • Yahweh - LORD
  • Adonay - Lord, Master
It has already been an incredible journey for me over the past weeks. It's a LONG study and I'll be continuing to learn more as I explore His many names. It's so fascinating to see which name is chosen to describe Him in which passages in Scripture.

Right now, I'm amazed at the differences between Yahweh and Adonay. In English they both mean 'lord.' But Yahweh is the personal name that God used to describe Himself. So it's the Hebrew word that is their most personal and sacred way of referring to Him. Many Jews will not even utter the word as a sign of respect for Him. Adonay also means lord, but in the sense of master. It sets up the relationship between God and His people. He is their master and they His servants. Isn't it awesome that there is such a loving and merciful master for us to serve?

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