Friday, February 08, 2008

Entropy - a physics lesson

Entropy " a measure of the unavailability of a system's energy to to work." This isn't a jbrake original idea. Not by any means. I last studied physics in high school more than a decade ago (yikes - nearly two decades). I heard about this concept while speaking at the men's prayer breakfast at Cornerstone in Brighton. One of the men, Richard Brown came up to me and shared this illustration.

If you have a large bowl (like the kind that your mom used to have that she always kept fruit in) and you were to drop a ping-pong ball in the bowl, where does it end up? It comes to rest in the bottom of the bowl. It finds the place of rest in the bowl - and without an external force, the ping-pong ball will stay at the bottom of the bowl.

It is the place of comfort. It is the place of rest. But we are not called to live our lives in a place of rest and a place of comfort. We are challenge to move past our personal comfort to a place where we can make an impact on the world for the good. The breath of God is needed to move the ping-pong ball beyond its comfort zone.

Breathe on me breath of God...

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