Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Text Messaging

Text Messaging in Russia. I must have arrived to some extent right? I was about to go to bed last night when my mobile (mow-BILE, that’s what we call cell phones here) made a strange beep. Took me a second to understand that the screen message meant that I had a text message. Sweet! It was from Igor’ (the almost 19 year old that I’ve known since 2001). So I’ve started to enter into the youth scene already by being a text messaging dude. I’ve gotta be honest though… T9 in Russian is hard. No spelling errors allowed. I can’t type so to speak on my phone in Russian. I can type in English, but to do Russian I have to use the smart phone feature and use T9. Basically, T-9 is this sweet feature of cell phones (in the US too) that allows you to press each key only once and the phone tries to guess what word you’re typing. So… it’s strange to be here with so many of the advances of home. Just two years ago when I was here it was all so different. I’m not sure yet whether I think it’s a good thing or not. Western culture is invading everything. Seriously – technology is making our world so much smaller.

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