Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Changing a light bulb

How many M’s does it take to change a light bulb?

The correct answer is two. Both Amy and I were required to change the light bulb in the study in my flat. You see, the light has never worked in there since I’ve lived here. I turned off the power for the entire flat so that I could use a pair of pliers and my leatherman tool (thanks Todd! Christmas 2003). The woman who lived here before me apparently cross threaded the light bulb. So when I was attempting to remove the dead bulb, the glass part separated from the metal part. So then a month went by without light in that room. Well, I’m ready to clean it and make it my study so that I can start studying Russian in earnest (all seven boxes of books that I shipped here have arrived (thanks Ashley)).

So Amy was shining a flashlight up at the ceiling (it’s a bit overcast here the past couple of days) and I’m using a pair of leatherman scissors and a pair of pliers to remove the light bulb. Well, with a few prayers muttered and some patience… it’s DONE! There is now light in the study. Now to clean it. Dust, vacuum, clean out the desk and mop the floors. The place is dirty – but we’ll tame it.

The light socket in the bathroom that also needed fixing

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