Tuesday, April 08, 2008


It's been an interesting day at PILAT today. We're a fairly close community... and looks like one little guy brought a bug with him to our community... and then it passed to another little lady, and another. And then an adult got sick, and another. So right now we've got a total of about 16 people sick in our community of around 50. So it's a pretty significant chunk. And every break or meal another person seems to disappear.

We have a 24 hour quarantine underway for the folks who are sick. Once their last symptom has occurred, they have 24 hours to hang out in their rooms before coming back to the community.

The sad news is that Amy is now among their number. Last night she was very ill 3 times and still isn't feeling great. Someone took me in to town to the store so I could get some Popsicles, chicken noodle soup, and gatoraid.

It's like some crazy public health nightmare. Please pray for the healing of everyone here and that more of us don't get sick.

1 comment:

Anastasia said...

Tell Amy I hope she feels better. When Micah and I did SPLICE in October, we had the same sort of thing go around. Ill be prayign for the health of folks there. say hi to the staff for us.