Saturday, March 29, 2008

PILAT - to Denver

Amy and I are on another adventure right now. We're heading out to Colorado Springs (Palmer Lake to be precise) to help with PILAT training. It's at Mission Training International, which is where we met in 2006! We're really excited to be out here helping out. Mostly it sounds like we'll be drillers and sharing stories of language learning on the field.

What's a driller? We're the people who work with a small group helping them learn how to make sounds that aren't part of the normal 44 sounds of English. So we're sorta like the discussion leader or graduate assistant in a class.

Our flight path took us from Detroit to Denver and then on to Colorado Springs. The flight from Denver to Colorado Springs was overbooked, so we ended up staying overnight in Denver at a hotel (for free!)

... and the Lord's blessings have already begun for this trip. We also got FREE vouchers to fly anywhere in the continental U.S. round trip. Translation - free trip. Amy's going to get her dream vacation of somewhere sunny and it's paid for!

God is so good to us.

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