Sunday, March 30, 2008

PILAT - to Colorado Springs --- Drill Practice

Today was a very interesting day. We arrived, no problem to Colorado Springs and Dwight Gradin (the director of PILAT) picked us up from the airport. He took us to their (his wife Barbara) lovely home and we had a delicious Sunday dinner with them.

Dwight suggested a brief Sunday nap (Amy did homework, I worked on mapping PILAT audio files to their drill numbers) and then we practiced drills together. It was really quite fun, but 2.5 hours of producing just language sounds can stymie the minds of the world's best linguists. I'm a geek about language and Amy is a chemist. I don't think it's fair that she's so good at this when I still get confused between n-u-c-l-e-a-r and n-u-c-u-l-a-r. She's just brilliant. Men, it's smart to marry up.

(Amy says, "hi" to you all as she labors away with the sweat of her brow and a bit of elbow grease on her Russian homework - I joined her today and read an entire chapter in my Russian book too -- it was really nice to be honest)

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