Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Who I Am in Christ

Amy and I have been using this incredible resource to help us to firmly establish our identities as Christians. Sometimes in this world we live in, it's hard to fight against the pressures of our culture and what's happening around us and we forget who we really are.

I know for me that the consumerist mindset has a really strong pull. I just want to have it because other people have it and it's cool. Sometimes, that's okay. I love music and an iPod is an excellent music player. Mine is 2 or 3 years old. I do NOT need a new one. But I want one. Who am I?

Body image is a big part of American culture. God was really good to me in Russia and I lost 35 lbs. And I've gained 10 back here in the States. It's a struggle for me because I'm worried about what I look like (and how I feel). I want to be healthy, but I struggle sometimes with the motivation... do I want to BE healthy or just LOOK healthy. How ridiculous. Who am I?

Neil T. Anderson has written several books and one of them is all about identity. I haven't read it actually, Amy has though - and the truths are summarized in a list of identity statements from the Bible. I've linked to them through this post and hope that it encourages you.

Sometimes I really need a solid reminder of Who I Am.

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