Monday, December 26, 2005

Powder and Tempers

We woke up today to see at least 8 inches of fresh powder! Incredible. So we packed up and headed to Squaw Valley (home of the 1960 winter olympics). We hopped the gondola and headed up the mountain. We rode the first ski lift to the top and were nearly blown off the chair lift! Winds up to 50 mph! My face was covered in water from melting snow.

Back at the top lodge we purchased some new winter gear to survive the cold conditions (usually it's not that cold for skiing in Lake Tahoe). I ended up with goggles and a balaclava (covers your mouth/head). An additional expense - but VERY worth it.

The skiing was really incredible. I don't think I've ever seen so much snow (I didn't take pictures 'cause it was too cold). I know that I'm a bit out of shape, but I've never sucked wind like I did skiing today. I even saw spots (translation: I thought I was gonna pass out). Mostly I think the sucking wind is because of the altitude, but whoa - I'd be half way up the chair lift before I could breath again.

It was an awesome time. And the beauty of nature here can't help but make you think of creation and how awesome it is. More beautiful at every turn.

Then my seldom seen temper had a chance to flare up. I really don't get mad at other people... but I'm pretty hard on myself. We got back to the cottage and I discovered that I'd lost the brand new balaclava that I'd purchased. Ugh! I get so mad at myself for silly little things like this. Especially because it involves money. I really try to be a good steward of my money - and it was an excellent balaclava. If we go skiing again - I'm going to have to find another one!

It's one of those days when I need to practice lessons learned from my college buddy, Eliot. Laugh at yourself, silly and stupid things happen - really no big deal. No one was hurt, emotionally or physically -- and with these conditions -- someone could have easily been hurt.

I'm actually smiling now - blogging is quite cathartic actually.

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