Sunday, June 17, 2007

Touching base and keeping you in the loop

Wow - another whirlwind week has passed us by! I can't believe how quickly time is passing. I think stateside, I might be blogging, but once per week (maybe twice if I can manage). There is just so much going on with the wedding, starting my job again, seeing friends & family, and getting the house ready to live in again. Amy and I still haven't found my can-opener! I really wanted some tuna fish... alas.

The past week has been really busy, but VERY productive. I've nearly completed a 2 page letter and 4 page newsletter to send to supporters, Amy and I had TWO pre-marital counseling sessions, and I ran 3 miles for the first time since college.

I've been running to try and stay in shape some. The lifestyle here in America is really different and I walk a LOT less here than when I was in Russia. I feel like my health lies in the balance sometimes. I've already been up 7 lbs since I've been home (that's 3.5 kilo for any non Americans out there), but I'm clinging to only being 3 lbs heavier than Russia. The biggest reason for the health kick is that my back never hurt in Russia and today is the second day with the intense knot in my lower back. So I gotta do what it takes to get rid of that!

So about running. I started off with 1 mile 3 times a week. And then after 5 times, I jumped up to 2 miles. Well, after the first week - I cut 1.5 minutes from my 2 mile! It's still nothing to write home about, but I'm really excited to be active regarding my health.

Amy and I are planning to run a 5k race on the 4th of July... she'll kick my butt, but it'll be fun to run a race.

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