Thursday, December 13, 2007

Teen Technology Trends

It is with great joy that I present this post. I've been at UM in my position for 6 months and one of the big movements that I've been trying to establish in our office (Technology Services) is that technology isn't scary and that 90% of the battle to master it is just knowledge.

So I've been putting together a presentation to share with staff in the Division of Student Affairs. The presentation drew a crowd of 60 people and I've been asked to present it again in the Health Services unit! It's really exciting, because the current generation of students (Millennials, Net Generation or Digital Natives) are really connected to technology and the current generation of staff and faculty (Baby Boomers and Generation X) are digital immigrants.

Basically there is culture shock happening on college campuses worldwide where the students out number the faculty and staff, yet are more advanced.

It was SO exciting to share with folks. One participant asked me "what is mp3?" I was so pleased that the atmosphere was comfortable enough for people to ask questions that to others might have seemed very simple.

I'm basically just really pumped.

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