Wednesday, November 14, 2007

a bit hazy

our morning started off a bit hazy today... 4:40am and the alarm jolted me out of bed. I was very confused and didn't know where I was. I laugh sometimes, because I think it's just because it's SO dark at that time that it's hard to get up - especially when the bed is cozy and warm!

Amy and I dragged ourselves out of bed (5.5 hours isn't enough) and prepped for our day. It's hard to get up that early, but there are benefits too (like 2.5 hours of uninterrupted work before anyone else comes in). I digress.

I write this morning to share a funny story. We're running around in the morning to get Amy to starbuck's on time. I'm making lunch and her coffee. She's getting her hair put together, munching cereal, reading her devotional. I'm packing her cell phone, my bag for work. She's dressed, I'm trying to find a sweater. She's brushing her teeth and foaming at the mouth.

Yes, foaming at the mouth. She makes a horrible face and spits into the sink and bursts out laughing. Soap. She put soap on her toothbrush. We're both in such a fog that we just giggle and laugh, that she's spitting suds.

seriously... it's a funny start to the day. I checked my calendar. I'm doing a 3 hour training this afternoon with 3 colleagues. We work VERY well together. We all know the material. I just don't know what part I'm responsible for... it's so fun to send emails to co-workers at 4:45 am. Anita's going to think I was in a panic to email that early!

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