For about the past 6 weeks, I've really had an awesome opportunity at the CEC (that's the acronymn for our Cultural Education Center) -- {aside: yes Jen, it confuses me constantly -- CIC (campus information centers -- and -- CEC Cultural Education Center)} -- I've been teaching leadership lessons! It is such a joy for me to be back doing something that I love doing so much. I just want to devour leadership materials so that I can share the concepts with everyone at the center.
We've only covered a few key concepts so far, but I already feel like it's going to make a great difference in their daily lives and especially in how they work together and for a greater Purpose. We've talked about the value of feedback and the Johari Window. We've been going through a series of self-reflection questions to better understand how people view us and how we view ourselves. We talked about Maslow's hierarchy of needs and the impact that needs have on the constituents that we work with and the work that we do.
I'm hoping to talk about goal setting, time management, the value of personal reflection and personality profiling as well.
Thanks for reading!
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