What an amazing day today is.
I've been nervous about today for almost 5 weeks.
I can't remember being nervous about Easter before, but maybe that's because today I'd been asked to deliver the message.
I've been agonizing for about 5 weeks about what to share… and then there's the whole language angle.
So, I took the plunge and preached in Russian today.
I delivered a message entitled, "He IS here" today.
It was an amazing tribute to the power of the living G-d that I not only survived, but people actually understood what I said.
Yeah, I did say something like "Jes^s has narrow returned" because the difference between narrow and already is only syllable stress in Russian, but I've certainly made bigger mistakes (see Pook pook, or remember any number of my stories about toilet humor that I've unintentionally inflicted upon my beloved friends).
I have never had a more attentive audience in my life than the folks who came to today's service. It was really incredible. I don't know if it was shock, if I had done a good job or what, but they were certainly paying attention. I think there might be a small advantage to my accent after all…
PTL and thanks for all who have been pr@ying for me and the work here. It is going VERY well, and I appreciate every thought, pr@yer, package, email, and phone call.
He IS here, and He is Risen!
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