Ring in the new year! Russian's sure know how to greet the new year. Almost 2 hours of straight fireworks! It was incredible! I was at Jim and Sally's 8th floor apartment with fireworks on both sides. We just stood there squeeling like young children at the opulant display. Individuals as well as the city had fireworks. It was breathtaking. I was a bit sad that this level of joy isn't directed at Christmas, but maybe in the future.
The city is completely decked out for the holiday including several small ice villages. The craftsmanship and detail of the carvings is incredible. You can even slide off of some of them!
As a typical American, the New Year has me thinking about the Rose Bowl (go blue!) and resolutions. Who do I want to be and how can I be better? What should I cut out of my life and what should I try to add to it?
I haven't finalized a list yet, I've got some ideas... but it's always so hard. I want to make a resolution that I can keep, but I don't want it to be usual: lose weight, less tv, communicate with more people, exercise more, read more B!ble, eat out less, be more fiscally responsible. All of these things are great, but living in Russia has made them all a part of my normal life! Time for the thinking cap!
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