I don't know what else to write.
Amy and I went to the
Giraffe Park today.
They have 11 giraffes on their property which is all they can support because they eat 65 kilograms of leaves and grass a day.
They are so much more graceful than I ever imagined and they are beautiful.
The grown up to 16 feet in height and the oldest one on the property is 16.
The youngest was 3 weeks old.
He won't start eating grass for 7 more weeks.
He was birthed while his mother was standing up and the drop to the ground jump starts them just like smacking a baby's behind!
They are ruminators, so they don't have upper teeth in their jaws, which comes in handy when you get to FEED them! That sure was a treat. Here are some pictures of Amy and I feeding them, hugging their heads, and yes, even KISSING them. I'll admit that wasn't the kiss I was most looking forward to when I got to Kenya!
It was such a wonderful and blissful day together. Giraffes are really special to Amy and I - and it was an incredible start to our holiday together.
Kenya is beautiful and G0d's creation and creativity are BLOWING my mind. I've taken so many pictures of flowers that my friends in Russia are going to cry and the flora here (or boredom from so many to look through)
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